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General Service Fee Schedule

As of October 15, 2024

Account Services

Account ServicesFee
Account Reconciliation (hourly rate)$30.00 ($30 min)
Account Research$30.00 ($30 min)
Fax or Photocopy Fee$2.00 Per Page
Copies of Check Images/Statements$2.00 Per Page
Collection Items - Foreign$20.00
Plus: any fees incurred in the collection process
Deposit Bags - Zippered (per bag)$5.00
Dormant Accounts (monthly)$5.00
Escheatment Fee$50.00
Early Closing Fee (Account Closed within 90 days)$10.00
Night Drop Replacement Key (per key)$5.00
Undeliverable Address Fee$10.00
Stop Payments - Check & ACH $35.00
Legal Processing Fee$150.00
Tax Levy/ Garnishments


Lost Debit Card Replacement$5.00
Express Debit Card Delivery Fee$75.00


Money Order - Customer$3.00
Treasurer Checks - Customer$5.00
Counter Checks $3.00 per sheet

Overdrafts and Returns*

Overdrafts and ReturnsFee
Overdraft Item Charge $33.00
Business Account Continuous Overdraft Charge$20.00
(Per day) Charges begin on the 5th business day of negative balance and continue until balance is positive
Personal Account Continuous Overdraft Charge$5.00
(Per day) Charges begin on the 5th business day of a negative balance and continue until balance is positive
Returned Item Fee $33.00

Non-Customer Fees

Coin Counting6%
Notary Services (per item)$10.00
Treasurer Checks $10.00

Electronic Banking

Electronic BankingFee
Online Banking Outgoing Wire Transfer
- Domestic$15.00
- International$50.00
Small Business Online Banking ACH Origination
- Standard (per file)$1.00
-Same Day (per file)$2.00
- Stop Payments via Online BankingNo Fee

Wire Transfers

Wire TransferFee
Incoming Wire Transfer$15.00
Outgoing Wire Transfers
- Domestic (in-person)$25.00
- International (in-person)$75.00
Exception Outgoing Wire Transfer. Requests initiated through Phone Call, Email, or Fax. Requires approval.
- Domestic$75.00
- International$100.00


Business Sweep (per month)$15.00
Line of Credit Sweep (per Month)$100.00
Personal Sweep (per sweep)$5.00
Telephone Funds Transfer (by phone)$5.00
- Deposit to Deposit

Safe Deposit Box

Safe Deposit BoxFee
Annual Rental FeeVaries
- Variety of box sizes available
Drilling Fee$225.00
- Done in conjuction with regular service by security company
Additional fee for special request drilling $100.00
Key Replacement (per key) $30.00

* We may charge you a Non-sufficient Funds Fee (NSF) each time an item is presented for payment if the amount of money in your account is not sufficient to cover the payment. Please be aware that merchants and other third parties may resubmit items that we return unpaid, including, for example, checks and ACH transactions. This means you may be charged more than one fee as a result of a returned item and resubmission(s) of the returned item. No overdraft fee will assessed on items of $15 or less. No overdraft fee will be assessed if your available account balance is overdrawn less than $15.

COMPLAINT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE-If you have a dispute with us regarding your deposit account, contact us to resolve the problem directly. However, if you feel we have failed to resolve the problem, you can write a letter or file a complaint electronically detailing the problem and the resolution you are seeking to the Bureau of Financial Institutions, Consumer Outreach Program, 36 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0036 or https://www.maine.gov/pfr/financialinstitutions/consumer-tools/complaints

The Bureau of Financial Institutions will acknowledge receipt of your complaint promptly and investigate your claim. You will be informed of the result for the investigation. When your complaint involves a federally chartered institution, the Bureau of Financial institutions will refer it to the appropriate federal supervisory agency and inform you to whom it has been referred.

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